same love

美 [seɪm lʌv]英 [seɪm lʌv]
  • 网络同样的爱;爱心相同;弓呀么弓长张
same lovesame love
  1. Americans love their country . And they deserve a government that shows them the same love and loyalty in return .


  2. Fulfil ye my joy , that ye be likeminded , having the same love , being of one accord , of one mind .


  3. Give it the same love and touching the world .


  4. And now , following His example , we must love one another , with the same love .


  5. And I dont even feel the same love when we hug no more


  6. We wish you a life filled with the same love , hope and joy you give us .


  7. If you have the same LOVE , please tell me your name and let 's do it together .


  8. Anna still has the same love of fashion that she did when she was a little girl .


  9. Love , the same love as God 's love , will be seen as we share what we have with others .


  10. If you and you lover share the same love language , you are more possibly live happily together .


  11. I thought I saw in his eyes the same love l felt swelling in my hear .


  12. Pray that you may love your fellow believers with the same love with which Christ loved you .


  13. Don 't forget , however , to also spend quiet time doing some emotional work so you don 't carry the same love habits into the next relationship .


  14. And this is the word which we have from him , that he who has love for God is to have the same love for his brother .


  15. A brand-name enterprises can revitalize a local economy , the same love of a dedicated cooks can live with a restaurant , a cafeteria .


  16. Those lovers who don 't share same love languages , are supposed to respect each other 's love language at least , otherwise they maybe get in quarrels often .


  17. The plot structure of " Song of the Long Regret " shows as emperor and imperial concubine , Mr Li and Mrs Yang can also have the same love as normal people have in the certain condition .


  18. I know how much you are looking forward to being grandparents and I know you will welcome the baby and give it the same love and devotion and tender care you gave me when I was a child .


  19. It 's the same with love , I guess .


  20. Love you just because , it does not require you to respond to the same I love .


  21. Unlike modern lyric poetry , it friendly affirms the same folk love as the traditional narrative poetry .


  22. Cherish life to the same as love it , beautiful in their own behavior to bring honor to its luster .


  23. Did you once write that your understanding about the same sex love in your handwriting note ? But I found you often talked about the narcissism lately .


  24. Last year I am on the net , I understanding so a group of person , they mostly university student , well-informed , they have the same of love , that be the train .


  25. There is not another being in the world has the same pure love for me as yourself & for I lay that pleasant unction to my soul . jane , a belief in you affection .


  26. Many believe that romantic love is the same as passionate love .


  27. At the same time , love and intimacy became the main motivations for people to get married .


  28. I have learned that regardless of color or age , we all need about the same amount of love .


  29. She suggests job-hunters look for'careers that use those same skills they love , but in a new way . '


  30. Love endures only when the lovers have same things to love more than each other .
